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For complete coverage of the PX2 files please order the 13 disc (DVD) series, plus the PX2 Files Trilogy booklets (containing many photos and documents). ORDER HERE!
(Note: The Generals have been busy with new projects in the Lord's work. They no longer have time to deal with pathological LIARS who are locked in DAMNATION, forsaken by God because they have FORSAKEN God! God will deal with His enemies as only He can.) ( See "The 'RED PILL' Appeal" article below!
FINALLY! -FINALLY MAURA SCHMIERER CONFESSES! -NEW! Life in the SHED - Follow-up to "FINALLY!" - Maura's new-found CONFESSION vs. her original Court Document statements! -NEW! The 'RED PILL' Appeal -UPDATED AND EXPANDED! The Px2 FILES INTRO. & TIMELINE -THE OTHER SIDE OF THE STORY! Introduction to the Px2 Files with Timeline covering 1970 to 2004. THE OTHER SIDE OF THE STORY -CHALLENGING the UNFOUNDED ALLEGATIONS! -UPDATED, & NEW TO OUR WEBSITE! NEW PROPAGANDA AGAINST ACMTC -The latest propaganda by National Geographic -- challenged by Tom Briggs!!! -NEW! My Mother Came Under the SPELL of "Momma Maura" -Amos (AKA Joshua Wentzell) testifies to Maura Schmierer's WITCHCRAFT influence over his mother. -NEW! Duped Dupes! -Addressing MORE of the latest propaganda -- particularly CHILD ABUSE claims made by the Bleach Blonde. -NEW! CULT HYSTERIA! -Written after Dr. Phil's crew invaded our camp in 2006, this article REFUTES the HYSTERIA surrounding "CULT" propaganda. -NEW POST! LIAR, LIAR, YOUR TONGUE'S ON FIRE! -General Jim EXPOSES Rebekah S.'s LIES. -NEW! "KIDNAPED!" -Brad Shanks' shocking testimony about being KIDNAPED and DEPROGRAMMED! -NEW TO OUR WEBSITE! "KIDNAPED!" -Commentary -General Jim responds to a pastor's comments on Brad's testimony. Kidnaping the people of God-More accounts of persecution against ACMTC. Setting the Record Straight -Testimony of Jacque Rankin -- MS's companion in the infamous "SHED"! -NEW TO OUR WEBSITE! Setting the Record Straight #2: Jacque's Personal Letters -Excerpts from letters by "the other woman" in the "shed," with comments by General Jim. Consequences of a False Covering -Your spiritual covering does matter! -NEW! Facts about ACMTC -Some basic facts about ACMTC's history. -NEW! Informative Quotes -Pertinent quotes from the Generals on a variety of subjects. -NEW! What We Believe -A brief overview of our primary beliefs. -NEW! Rev. Doug R.--FALSE PROPHET! -This pastor sought to DESTROY God's people--AND FAILED!!! -NEW! MALICIOUS INTENT to destroy a people. -Our enemies' input in the HATE campaign against us is undeniable. Using the Children as a Shield -Excerpts from Rebekah W.'s 20 Million Dollar Lie Exposed! Psycho Terrorism!-A Discussion of the Px2 Files, with Commentary on Holding a Biblical Trial. Testimony Under Oath.-MS’s Declaration Under Penalty of Perjury that the statement she filed was True and Correct. Testimony Under Oath -Part 2.-More of MS’s Declaration Under Penalty of Perjury. MS's Handwritten Letters #1-Signed statement of choice; Confession letter. MS's Handwritten Letters #2-ACMTC Monthly Progress Report Jan. 1987. MS's Handwritten Letters #3-Accepting God's Judgment. MS's Handwritten Letters #4-How I missed God. MS's Handwritten Letters #5-Asking questions; Requesting to fast. MS's Handwritten Letters #6-Leaving camp. MS's Handwritten Letters #7-JUDGMENT. MS's Handwritten Letters #8-After finally leaving ACMTC. More Facts About The Infamous "Shed" story.-All our persecution stems back to this fabricated tale. Weigh the Evidence! -You be the judge. Are we guilty or is it all just A BIG LIE? Captivity or Freedom? -Really locked up or not? General Jim gives excerpts from handwritten letters. You decide. STAY TUNED FOR VICTORY REPORTS! Let us know your thoughts. Order our FREE Publications. |